




last saturday night @ Frannz Club in Prenzlauer Berg
(to know what I mean, just click on it)


 we're not friends of ☂

and we've been very very bad bad boys
Sometimes I feel like I live in Berlin. Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, cos I'll be dancin'.

my favourite germans

 coach surfin'

come back soon!
supi tschüssi



después del zoo

trajeron el sol y se estaba bien
they brought the sun and it was nice

 fuimos arrastrados a cenar en la beneficencia
we were dragged to the charity dinner

 las terrazas estaban montadas y los niños jugaban en los parques
terraces were mounted and kids were playing in the parks 

comimos con Bao Bao
we had lunch with Bao Bao

el pinguino es un padre fiel
penguin is a faithful father

jugamos al super mario
we played super mario

y se jugaron dar la vuelta a la manzana
and they bet on going around the block

fin de la partida


Bristol Teen Drama Trip!


Can't believe it! I have the -skinny- flights bought to Bristol (UK) for next month, leaving from Berlin! I'm going to London on Friday night, but i'm not such enthusiastic (i've been several times in London) spending the night there. Well, it doesn't mean it can't be a crazy londoner nite too! On Saturday I will be travelling to Bristol, the SKINS teen drama town! Sergi, my friend who's living there, will be sleeping just for resting enough before we have a crazy fucking skinned -of course- night. It has to be!

Sid: "Soy inutil y basura, la cago y eso te enloquece. ¿Te molestaría si menciono la filmografía completa de Hugh Grant desde el '92? Así dura más."
Naomi: "La gente juzga demasiado rápido."
Pandora: "¡Hola Effy, hola Anthea, hola Jim! Éste es Thomas. ¡Adivina qué! Hemos estado follando."
Cassie: "Puede que no seas la única persona con un secreto."
Anwar: "El mundo entero es gay."
Katie: "Ok, aleja tus manos de mi vagina y estaremos bien."
Cassie: "Podemos seguir fingiendo si te hace sentir mejor."
Emily: "Algo genial de Internet es que probablemente nunca me llegues a conocer."
Effy: "Gracias por quererme."

get ready!


rainforesty pizza saturday nite


Now I have in my hands this lovely kinki mag, after a Rucola Rainforest Pizza for dinner, The Lovely Bones downloaded, understanding a little bit more the german language and feeling myself so berliner (more even own Kennedy), I came home with Sara and her friends (they are visiting us this weeknd cause Sara has a performance -kind of- tomorrw afternoon here so she needs to rest after a 20h road snowy trip, and that's why they're here). I was room alone just thinking I feel a little dreaming or part of a dream. Or maybe only tonite, and I promise u I drank only coke. Even cold is shit, I love this city and I feel proud.

(click on the word and have a look)

I was also asking myself what the fuck is a grey bear doing in the middle of the jungle.

i'll never be the same

if we ever meet again