


'sunday month' ends

polaroid it
Venice, last Juny

When August (I call it 'sunday month') ends, and September (like a monday) begins... we use to say bye bye to fantastic summer! However, happy first day of spring, south hemisphere! This pre fall week can mean I could take charge of my life. Hope so! Tomorrow: September. Meanwhile, I will cut my hair and get ready to have a nice costume for next friday. Will I find Batman?

starfish on a boat at Croatia (I like this dad's pic)
my new it thing which I still dunno what it' ll b used 4

And next week: maybe Morocco!
occo occo occo


3 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

pero que bien vives!!

disfruta de lo que queda de veranito :)
muua guapo

Anónimo dijo...

aún viajando?

Anónimo dijo...

Idem yo este verano solo he viajado por españa! Bcn y Almeria! espero el proximo hacerloa alo grande.